March 29, 2011

The Hosannas lads, back from the eighth leg of their everlasting tour are feeling generous again. This time they are unleashing a complete, original studio recording. Get it while it’s hot (and after you can’t get enough of listening to it, pick up a copy of Together and/or Then & Now & Then
Thug Life Nicole EP [download]
In their own words:
This e.p. has been a long time coming. Initial tracking for these songs was done at type foundry studios in Portland, Oregon in March of 2010. At that time Hosannas was Brandon and Richard Laws, Lane Barrington and Cristof Hendrickson. These basic structures were all recorded in about a day at the end of the “Together” sessions, with John Askew working the boards and keeping us all productive.
We knew at the time that these songs were not going to be part of “Together.” These songs all share a common thread embodied by the title of this e.p. “Thug Life Nicole” is an [plush] albino reindeer we found on the side of the road while on tour in Santa Barbara. She lived in Vanworld Africa USA for a couple years and became our tour mascot. These songs were all blown-out live versions of songs that we had written and had been released as part of the e.p.’s “Gold” and “With All Our Love for Francisco the Man” (both of which are now part of “Then & Now & Then”) as well as “Song Force Crystal.”
However, as the listener may well notice these songs are very different from their predecessors.
In the early summer of 2010 Cristof and Lane left Hosannas to pursue their own projects and Richard and Brandon returned to the studio, this time Scenic Burrows, to complete the e.p. This e.p. was finally completed in February of 2011. The songs have been re-written and re-recorded several times and consequently bear little semblance to what they used to sound like live. More so they are a snapshot of us working to find a new directions to take our songs.
1. Obsolete People
2. Islandz
3. Walroos
4. Cccloud